Scottish Anarchist Dayschool, Training for Activists, Anti-military demo

On Saturday the 4th Scottish Anarchist Dayschool took place in Glasgow, I did not go, was too exhausted from the last weeks and just wanted desperately a day off. Also was feeling kind of scared off by the Nationalism discussion and other topics, as I am more into hands-on practical workshops rather than theoretical or ideological discussions. Anyway, was told that the Dayschool was “better than to be expected”, but am still happy to have had a weekend to relax.

On Monday there was the Training for Actions workshop in Edinburgh, it was more a Training for training workshop, as it focused mainly on how to organise meetings, workshops and training and make them fun and enjoyable. It was organised by Seeds for Change, Skillsharing and Blatant Incitement.

Today and yesterday there were protests announced against the US military attack in Falluja. M. was already busy writing features for Indymedia Scotland about it, before it even happened. An astonishing and refreshing surprise was the odd 4 people with some red paint on the entrance of the Edinburgh US consulate, but the demos were horrible. I know I should not have expected much if they are called by the SSP- Scottish Socialist Party and /or their pseudofrontgroup +/- one or two individuals or groups in the STW Stop the War thingy, but today they really overthrew themselves with stupidity in organising their protest.
Every time it feels like I have never ever been on an even more stupid, ineffective, membership-recruiting speeches plus 20 metres walk.
One thing which makes me a bit sad is that people who want to rebel against the way they are treated by the crap comrades of the SWP mainly not so much the police, because of them it is expected, whereas if fellow protesters fall you in the back it is really bad. Anyway, more and more people want to rebel against the way they are treated at these sheep demos by the “mass movement recruiters”, but here, there are so few, it is difficult to build an alternative; it really is. [Report on Indymedia Scotland | Report on Indymedia UK].

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