quote for book

Have enquired about the prices of getting the book reprinted, about a hundred copies cost about a 1000 pounds, about five hundred cost about 2500 pounds, and I am pretty confident that this is a good quote, and the finished books would be of the most excellent of quality.

But now I understand why there are so many more people wanting to get their books published by somebody  rather than doing it themselves.

At this point it seems to be pretty important to consider the amount of books worth printing and if to go in partnership with other people and enterprises in this area, and also to consider carefully if this book is really worth putting so much money in, especially – well – especially as it is not per se an anarchist or libertarian book, which loosing money with is not that much of a disillusion cause the soul is refreshed..

It might be good to know more about the probabilities and possibilities of marketing and selling the book.
I guess, totally contradictory to any business advice will possibly first put the book as a pdf on the internet for people to read and then decide with interested folks what they suggest; if a physical copy would be worth it, and maybe if it is possible to get a grant for it, or to illustrate it to make it a bit more attractive.

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